Just Published My Story : Bad Days are Really Good Days in Disguise

Mental Health / Primary Care Provider - Dr. Efrat, FNP-C, PhD

Dr. Efrat is a fascinating figure whose story is as intriguing as the mindset she has developed. As a young girl, she was always fascinated by the human body and how it worked. She spent countless hours reading about anatomy and physiology, and by the time she was in high school, she knew that she wanted to become a doctor. She went on to earn a medical degree and become a practicing physician, but she soon realized that something was missing from her practice.

Dr. Efrat began to notice that many of her patients were suffering from chronic illnesses that didn't seem to have any clear physical cause. She began to suspect that there was something going on at the level of the mind that was contributing to these health issues. Driven by her instincts and her curiosity, she delved into the world of psychology and neuroscience, seeking to understand the complex interplay between the mind and the body.

Through her research and her work with patients, Dr. Efrat came to the realization that the body has a language of its own. Symptoms and sensations are messages that the body sends to us, but most of us don't know how to listen. We ignore our bodies or dismiss our symptoms as minor annoyances, not realizing that they are actually important signals that something is out of balance.

Dr. Efrat knew that she had to find a way to help her patients tune in to their bodies and learn to listen to the messages they were receiving. She began to develop what she calls "The Knew Method," a mindset that helps patients realize their symptoms and begin the healing process.

The Knew Method is all about changing the way we think about health and wellness. Instead of viewing the body as a machine that needs to be fixed when it breaks down, Dr. Efrat encourages her patients to see their bodies as living organisms that are constantly communicating with them. She teaches them to pay attention to their symptoms and to interpret them as signals that they need to make changes in their lives.

Through The Knew Method, Dr. Efrat has helped countless patients find relief from chronic illnesses and improve their overall health and wellbeing. Her approach is not only effective, but it is also empowering. By teaching her patients to tune in to their bodies and trust their instincts, Dr. Efrat is helping them take control of their own health and find a sense of agency in their lives.

In the end, Dr. Efrat's story is a testament to the power of intuition and the importance of listening to our bodies. Her work is a reminder that health and wellness are not just about treating physical symptoms, but about understanding the complex interplay between the mind, the body, and the world around us.

00:00 Preview
02:01 Primary Care
03:32 Functional and Integrative Medicine
08:39 Role of Conventional Medicine
12:41 Path to Entrepreneurship
13:59 It's Not In Your Head - The Knew Method
21:29 What it's like working with Dr. E
24:15 Dr. E's Book - "It's NOT In Your Head: Your Body Doesn’t Feel Right But You Don’t Know Why"
26:54 Peace of Mind
31:03 What's Next For Dr. E
32:57 How would you like to leave your mark?
33:36 Connect with Dr. E

► Follow Dr. E on social media:
► YouTube @TheKnewMethodbyDrE
► TikTok https://tiktok.com/@theknewmethod
► Facebook https://www.facebook.com/theknewmethod
► Instagram https://www.instagram.com/theknewmethod
► The Knew Method - Work with Dr. E https://theknewmethod.com
► Book - It's NOT In Your Head: Your Body Doesn’t Feel Right But You Don’t Know Why https://www.amazon.com/Its-NOT-Your-Head-Doesnt-ebook/dp/B0B16RW784
► Podcast - The Knew Method by Dr. E https://theknewmethod.com/podcast
► EG Healthcare - Staten Island, NY https://eghealthcare.net
► EG Prep - Primary Care Bootcamp for Nurse Practitioners https://egprep.com
► Hawk Scribes - Dedicated Remote Medical Scribes for your Practice https://hawkscribes.com

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